Fish & Fisheries News

Friday August 9, 2019

The Future of Our Inshore Fisheries

The political profile of the fishing industry is at its highest since that of the “Cod Wars” in the 1970s. The increased status of fishing in the political sphere provides opportunities to develop a profitable and sustainable pathway for the inshore fishing sector, an area often overlooked in terms of political consideration, industry representation and market share.  

The Future of Our Inshore Fisheries is an ambitious project aiming to transform the management of the UK’s inshore resources to ensure thriving and sustainable marine environments, inshore fisheries and coastal communities. As a member of the project’s steering group the Fishmongers’ Company works to bring together fishermen, industry leaders, research institutes, regulators and environmental groups to build consensus around key and solutions in the management of the UK’s inshore fisheries. This programme will provide evidence-based recommendations to government in order to develop effective policy and legislation to support the UK’s inshore fisheries and coastal communities.  

A key focus of the projects first year is a two-day conference, providing an opportunity for fishermen and industry leaders to meet with policy makers, researchers and environmental groups to discuss solutions to current fisheries management issues. The conference, held in London on the 8th and 9th of October, will shape the road map for the future of the UK’s management of its inshore resources. 

In order to ensure that fishermen are properly represented at the conference, a number of bursaries are available to cover the travelling costs for fishermen to attend. Contact

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