
July 2024 Update:

We are pleased to open to Expressions of Interest ahead of our next funding round in October 2024. The Expression of Interest stage is designed to be quick and straightforward for prospective applicants. The Fishmongers’ Company’s Charitable Trust has limited funds available for new grant making each year, and we are only able to fund a small proportion of the applications received.

The deadline for Expression of Interests has now passed for the October round of funding.

We will notify applicants as to whether or not we are interested in receiving a full application and, if we are, send you link to our application form by Friday 9th August. The deadline for full applications for the March funding round will be the end of the day on Friday 23rd August

Three key areas where we are looking to make a difference:

  • Education in Prisons
  • Mental Health
  • Food and Nutrition 

A priority area for Fishmongers’ funding within the field of mental health is currently suicide prevention. Within the area of food and nutrition, we have a focus on projects benefitting children and young people from low-income backgrounds, as well as work focused on skills development and training in catering and around healthy eating. In the areas of Food & Nutrition and Mental Health, our preference is to fund projects in select London Boroughs. Please see the eligibility criteria below for more information. We continue to fund projects for Education in Prisons, both in and outside London.

An application will only be considered where it meets the following criteria:

  • Submitted by a Registered Charity, Social Enterprise or Community Interest Company
  • Clearly identifies key objectives and measurable outcomes
  • Is made by the organisation delivering the activity, service or project. i.e. applications cannot be made on behalf of a third party
  • From an organisation whose annual income is not below £100,000 and does not exceed £5,000,000
  • Requesting funding for a specific project rather than for general funds

In the case of Mental Health and Food & Nutrition applications, for activity taking place within the City of London and the Boroughs of Camden, Hackney, Islington, Lambeth, Southwark, Tower Hamlets, Newham or Westminster.

N.B. We historically have received many more applications than we are able to fund. Thus, whilst many applications might fit the criteria, not all will be successful.

Please be advised that applications which do not fulfill the preferred criteria are highly unlikely to be successful.

Applications will not be considered from:

  • Individuals, or organisations applying on their behalf
  • Charities with political associations or purposes

How much do you fund?

Applications at this time will be considered for between £15,000 and £30,000 per annum, agreed in principle for up to three years, i.e. up to £90,000 in total spread over three years. In the case of multi-year grants, years 2 and 3 are provisional and successive payments will be made following a satisfactory annual review of the funded work and an organisation’s most recent accounts.

Who can apply?

We only accept grant applications from registered charities, social enterprises or community interest companies.   The organisation applying has to be the one delivering activity, service or project, we do not accept applications on behalf of a third party. We also do not accept applications from individuals or organisations applying on behalf of an individual’s behalf or organisations with political associations or purposes. The organisation applying needs to identify clearly key objectives and outcomes.

We do not meet your preferences, can we still apply?

If your income is over £5 million pounds or your project is operating outside of our preferred areas of within the City of London and the Boroughs of Camden, Hackney, Islington, Lambeth, Southwark, Tower Hamlets or Westminster, or are seeking funding for general purposes rather than a specific project, but still meet the other criteria an application is very unlikely to be successful, please contact the Grants Officer to discuss.

I’ve successfully applied for a grant before, can I apply again?

Please contact the Grants Officer to discuss.

I’ve applied, what next?

Once you have submitted your application form and accompanying documents, our Grant Officer will contact you to acknowledge your application.  She may request further information if needed.  The application will be formally accessed and if eligible will be submitted to the next Philanthropy and Grants meeting.  Once they have made their decision, you will then be contacted to be informed of their decision.  Please note that due to the high number of applications we receive, there may be a delay in hearing back from us at all stages of the application process.

My grant application was unsuccessful, can I have feedback and when I can I next apply?

Unfortunately, due to the high volume of applications we receive, we cannot always offer you feedback on unsuccessful applications.  If you were unsuccessful, you may apply again; there is no minimum wait to re-apply.  We suggest you contact our Grants Officer to discuss.

I still have questions, what shall I do?

Please contact our Grants Officer through our enquiry form, on the Contact Us page.  Remember to choose ‘Philanthropy & Grants Team’ in the drop-down menu entitled Enquiry Type when filling out the enquiries form, to ensure it goes to the correct department.

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