Fish & Fisheries News

Monday December 4, 2023

Creating Riverwoods

2023 saw the lowest wild Atlantic Salmon numbers since records began and time is running out to address the dramatic decline in salmon stocks. Riverside tree planting is one, immediate solution to helping to address this, providing shade to protect salmon from rising temperatures and creating habitats for the range of species salmon rely upon.

Creating Riverwoods is a series of films and editorial features produced by SCOTLAND: The Big Picture and funded by the Fishmongers’ Company’s Charitable Trust that provides information and inspiration for land managers seeking to embark on a journey of river catchment restoration.

Creating Riverwoods showcases a series of case studies – featuring landowners, gamekeepers and fisheries experts who have come together to restore the health of Scotland’s threatened rivers, through a range of practical interventions. It is hoped that the transformative positive effects of their actions will further increase appetite and ambition for ecological restoration in and around our rivers.

These videos are accompanied by the Practioner’s Guide to Woodland Restoration, which provides practical advice for those engaging in tree planting project including landowner engagement, woodland design, funding applications and delivery.

Together these videos and guide can help to kickstart wide-scale tree planting across the UK’s river catchments, supporting healthier rivers for salmon and all those who depend upon them.

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